SHIRT - JAPAN BLUE with inBetweenBlues
The blue ocean, the blue sky and JAPAN BLUE
The garment filled with the blessings of the sea, sky, and sun of Tokushima
Collaborated with in Between Blue (IBB) located Tokushima, Japan. Their indigo studio is in front of the Pacific Ocean, which is never the same blue. IBB dyed IKI LUCA WHITE Collection with 100% natural Japanese indigo called "AI(藍)" from Tokushima using the traditional natural lye fermentation method.
Why the garment is perfect for your journey
Cool in summer, warm in winter
Excellent texture that fits snugly around your skin in various scenes on your journey
Compact to pack and wrinkle-resistant
Takes up less space when packing
Can be carried without worrying about folding and wrinkling
Easy to maintain
Washable in a washing machine
Dries overnight
Durable and long-lasting
It will be able to withstand most unexpected situations while you are on your exciting adventure. You can use it repeatedly and it will be your reliable partner for a long time.
Benefits of "AI(藍)" and AIZOME
Relaxing effects due to its fragrance, as well as an insect repellent, sterilizing, and deodorizing effects.
AIZOME, Japanese indigo dyeing, makes threads/fabrics more durable.
Textile with a 220-year story
Kurume Kasuri is a traditional textile from the southern part of Fukuoka in Japan, which has a 220-year history. It takes about three months to produce this fabric through more than 30 processes by the hands of different crafttmen.
Materials and Fabric
・100% COTTON
・Fabric|100% KURUME KASURI woven by Simogawa Orimono(下川織物)